The State of WordPress Design in 2022: Trends and Insights


WordPress is a powerful, flexible content management system (CMS) used to power websites for decades. It’s the most popular open-source web application worldwide. It continues to grow in popularity due to its versatility and simplicity—two things that make WordPress an excellent choice for any website. With all this momentum behind it, what trends should you look out for in 2022? Here we’ll look at some predictions based on our analysis of the state of WordPress design over the last five years. 

WordPress Trends and Predictions for 2022

WordPress doesn’t just allow one site builder; instead, it will enable you to create multiple sites within one installation easily! For each child site, you may even use a particular theme so that they all appear different and don’t overlap too much (which would be wrong). It means that if someone wants an online store website but needs a personal portfolio page too, then there’s no need for additional software costs like Shopify Plus because they’re already included with regular updates coming down at least once per month via GitHub releases which include bug fixes along with new features such as dynamic blocks.

A Beginner Tool with No or Low Codes


What was very easy to start and has become slightly complex with the passing of a decade will, in 2022, with the no-code and low-code tools, become simple to begin with again.

Easy Build Up without Developers using Drag & Drop Builders  

Newbies can build the entire website from scratch without professional help via drag & drop builder like the new additions like WordPress Gutenberg block editor.

Automated Updates for WordPress

WordPress introduced automated theme and plugin upgrades of previous years will not be helpful unless updated. Many WordPress users use custom codes and third-party plugins to increase functionality. However, the theme or plugin update could render these settings useless. Regular updates are essential to keeping a website safe and working correctly.

Entire Site Editing & Collaborative Editing

Although the market has adjusted to the block editor, there is still a need for more adaptation because the WordPress editing experience still supports the old Classic Editor, the Block Editor, and page builders in traditional PHP-based themes. The Gutenberg plugin may introduce collaborative editing options as early as the end of 2022.

The Cognitive Load of WordPress makes it easy for Beginners

Complete site block modification is becoming more common when you look for wordpress web development services. For beginners, this will significantly reduce the cognitive load of WordPress. The difficulty will be in attaining the ideal site speed, and Google dislikes complete site block editors because they make websites load more slowly.

Entire Site Editing Knowledge Gaps

Block-based themes and complete site editing may lead to a knowledge gap among WordPress users. Web designers and developers will be eager to learn how to use these new technologies most effectively. Page builders will still be in use in 2022, but the number of unique websites developed with Gutenberg will rise significantly.

Less Third-Party Page Builders

Total site modification with solely Gutenberg blocks is a possibility in 2022. WordPress published a roadmap for the Gutenberg project under the name “Gutenberg.” ‘Block themes’ are made to support a variety of Gutenberg customization options.

WordPress Design Trends for 2022

WordPress also has many free tools available that make it even easier for people who aren’t tech-savvy enough to build their own sites from scratch by using WordPress themes & plugins like Joomla! or Drupal, which are more complex platforms than WordPress but still very powerful in terms of features they offer compared with other CMS systems such as Blogger/Tumblr and others.

Video Headers

WordPress sites hardly ever use video headers or backgrounds, even though they have been around for a long. The introduction of video headers marks the beginning of a new trend. WordPress video headers will need to be on our radar because the platform is expanding quickly on a global scale.

Parallax Effect

The effect is referred to as parallax scrolling or the parallax effect when you scroll down a page, and the background content moves more slowly than the foreground material. Its frequent adaption is on single-page websites where scrolling is necessary for the user experience.

Dark Mode

The dark mode’s cutting-edge design, which maintains remarkable clarity and visibility, also leaves a lively appearance. The dark mode also reduces eye strain, which helps the audience concentrate better on the subject you’re showing.

Chatbots Plugins

Chatbots help save time, especially when the need is to answer repetitive questions and perform iterative tasks. Although it takes time for incorporation, it may be highly cost-effective.


Let your website come to life by using micro-interactions. These provide the impression that the visitor is engaging with the material rather than just reading it. 

For instance, when the visitor moves the cursor over a picture, the pictures come to life by popping up to attract maximum user attention.

WordPress Trends Concerning Themes


WordPress is now the fastest-growing CMS in the world, and with good reason: it’s one of the most powerful content management systems. But that power comes at a price—WordPress is notoriously slow to load for new users who are just starting their websites. To keep up with this demand, WordPress has made strides in reducing page load times (the time between when you click a link or button and when your browser displays something).


To improve and give consumers a unique editing experience, developers are now following a new trend in the WordPress ecosystem and building their own customizable frameworks. Developers can now register post-type templates to make it simpler for users to create custom themes.

Easier to Change

WordPress themes will revert to defining the styling components of a site after the complete implementation of site editing and theme.json. Users who can alter themes more readily will benefit significantly from this. Customers will have alternatives and won’t need to use a single theme that dominates their website.

Better Customization  

WordPress themes include customizations, integrated plugins, and web design features. Each theme comes with its own unique website templates and components. Numerous diverse and versatile multipurpose themes are available for various use cases, including online stores and business portfolio sites.


Mobile users currently outnumber desktop users, and the difference is growing. The focus has completely changed to upgrading and improving the mobile user experience as WordPress has transitioned to mobile. 

WordPress Trends Developers must Watch out for

WordPress has established an extensive community of users and developers who use it to build websites for themselves, their clients, or their employers. There are thousands of themes available on WooCommerce alone—the most prominent e-commerce plugin for WordPress—which means you have access to plenty of options when creating your own website or blog.


Supporting Modern Workflows for Devs

Expert developers believe that solutions and applications enabling new workflows and WordPress approaches will become increasingly sought after. Improved version control and staging site management, headless implementations, embracing the Jamstack, and WordPress static site creation are some examples of this.

Loss of Some WordPress Devs

Some developers may stop using WordPress when easy-to-use options for building brochure websites become more prevalent. There will probably be a significant loss of WordPress developers who create straightforward brochure websites. Website owners that understand the value of customizing their site will continue to use WordPress.

WordPress Businesses Trends for 2022

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are a new web platform feature that uses modern features to deliver an app-like user experience. PWA offers better performance and user experience than traditional websites can be installed on a device’s home screen and is SEO friendly.


More Curated Offerings

As per the general observance, a shift toward more SaaS offerings and a greater emphasis on tailored hosting may be what businesses can expect in 2022. Decoupled frontends, which enable more excellent scaling and performance improvement, will also receive more attention—almost exact replication of what GoDaddy and Pagely announced, except for the whole web hosting sector.

Growth for Enterprises

WordPress is a blogging platform for individual users, but the prediction is that there will be more enterprise-focused functionality additions in the future. The WordPress platform will receive top-notch items from more premium plugin developers, and there will be more significant overlap between the two platforms.

Open Source Over Proprietary Solutions

WordPress continues to rule the roost as the most well-liked and often used tools to power websites.” Users will find it easier to develop a WordPress site with full-site editing and ongoing improvements to the Gutenberg block editor.


With so many prospects, it’s an exciting moment to be a professional WordPress designer! As a website owner, keep up with the trends by incorporating the same into your website for better reach. Get in touch with WordPress web development company experts to guide you to improve your business by following the insights.


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