What to do when traffic light is green and you have to make a left?


This is a short blog post with some helpful tips for making left turns at red lights. One of the most common problems people have with turning left on a green light is that they either don’t know how to do it, or they forget.

Follow these simple steps and you can easily make a safe turn: –

Make sure you’re in the left lane and continue driving. When there’s a green arrow, stay on your current side of the road. 

If it is safe to go straight ahead or make a right turn without stopping at the red light, do so instead by turning into either direction before reaching an intersection with a signal for traffic going in that direction.

traffic light, red light, red @ Pixabay

Thank you for reading this post! We hope you learn something from these tips about how to safely make left turns when given the chance to proceed through intersections during periods where vehicles are not allowed to stop. This is a short blog post with some helpful tips for making left turns at red lights. One of the most common problems people have with turning left.


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