A drug that activates a presynaptic auto receptor.


You’ve probably heard of the immune system, which protects you against bacteria and viruses that can cause disease. The brain also has a system to protect it from viral invaders. It’s called the auto receptor system, and this blog post will tell you how it works.

The presynaptic auto receptor is an inhibitory receptor located on nerve terminals in the nervous system that prevents release of neurotransmitters into synapses. Activation of this receptor by endogenous neurotransmitters or drugs typically causes a decrease in synaptic transmission. When activated by drugs like amphetamines, cocaine, morphine or nicotine – these receptors tend to reduce the activity at synapses involved with signaling reward, reinforcement learning as well as mood regulation long term.

brain, mind, psychology @ Pixabay

The activation of auto receptors by neurotransmitters or drugs like morphine, nicotine and cocaine usually causes a decrease in the activity at synapses involved with signaling reward, reinforcement learning as well as mood regulation long term. A drug that activates an auto receptor will have effects on synaptic transmission.

The presynaptic receptor is an inhibitory receptor located on nerve terminals in the nervous system that prevents release of neurotransmitters into synapse. Activation of this type of receptors often leads to reduced neuronal activity in response to rewards obtained from stimulant use such as amphetamines (speed), cocaine, morphine and nicotine. This may be one reason why people keep taking these substances despite their negative consequences.


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