A flower does not think of competing.


The flower is a symbol of love and beauty. Today, we have the pleasure of enjoying many different types of flowers to brighten our days. Some are more common than others, but they all bring joy to people’s lives.

One could say that flowers are naturally attracted to humans because we appreciate them so much! Next Sentence: In fact, there is even evidence suggesting that some plants can sense us coming before we show up at their location !

” The benefits for human-plants interaction go both ways.” Citations: “How Plants Respond To Touch” by Alireza Gharabaghi (N/A) “Do Plants Communicate With Humans?” By Dr. Donny Lutz (NCBI) “Evidence of Plants’ Ability to Sense Human Approach.” by K. Apt (N/A) In fact, there is even evidence suggesting that some plants can sense us coming before we show up at their location !

” The benefits for human-plants interaction go both ways.” Citations: “How Plants Respond To Touch” by Alireza Gharabaghi (N/A), “Do Plants Communicate With Humans?” By Dr. Donny Lutz – NCBI, and “Evidence of Plant’s Ability to Sense Human Approach” by K. Apt(N/A). Next Sentence: Roses are the most common flowers in many people’s homes because they come with


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