This is How Millennials Make their Purchase Decisions


It’s always wise to assess what you’re going to buy from a few angles before putting your money down. Young people today closely scrutinize what they’re buying before pulling the trigger, but they rely on technology in a way early generations didn’t.

If there’s one purchase you can’t afford to get wrong in your life, it’s buying a home. Let’s take a closer look at how millennials use prop-tech to guide their purchasing decisions.

Meaningful Connections

Modern technology has a way of quickly pairing things that fit. When looking to buy a home, previous generations of maybe relied on a family connection to the real estate agent, perhaps an aunt who worked in the industry.

Today, disruptors like Regan McGee have made prop-tech platforms that connect homebuyers with the realtors, services, and ultimately the home they need. Simply enter everything you’re looking for in a property and what your terms are, and the platform will find suitable agents from which you can freely choose.

The best prop-tech platforms take the pain and guesswork out of homebuying. As McGee told Toronto Life, “A lot of people claiming to be disruptors and innovators in the industry are doing the exact things that have been done for decades…people think buying and selling real estate is complicated, but that’s a way for agents to justify their fees.”

The best platforms incentivize real estate agents to compete for your business, so they offer additional services or even much-appreciated cashback. Millennial homebuyers are wise to look for a meaningful connection in the world’s only open digital marketplace. 

Boost From the Algorithm

Once you’ve defined your search criteria on the prop-tech platform, the algorithm will work its magic to pull up what you’re looking for. The best platforms have unique algorithms processing reams of data faster and more intelligently than could be done manually. 

Leveraging powerful algorithms is an excellent way to get more finely tuned results. The number of properties and realtors out there can be overwhelming if you don’t have tech support backing you up.

Transparent Data

Buying a home used to be an opaque process at times. Sales data and other figures weren’t always readily available. If any purchase must be made from a place of knowledge, it’s buying a home. Not only will you and your family live there, but it’s a financial decision with major implications for your future.

Don’t buy a home without first comparing things like agent commissions, sales histories, verified reviews, and more. Also, do it on a platform that doesn’t accept money from agents to get listed or ranked ahead of others. 

Millennials were among the early adopters of smartphone technology, so they’re accustomed to using apps for various everyday purposes. Thankfully, the sophistication of prop-tech apps has caught up to the way millennials live, and now they can harness these powers to help inform and guide their purchasing decisions. 


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