A flow field is defined by u=(2×2+1)m/s and v=(xy)m/s, where x and y are in meters.


A flow field is a simple concept that has been used to study fluid dynamics for many years. The idea of a flow field is pretty easy to understand – it’s the distribution of velocity and pressure in any given space.

This means that by looking at the mathematical equations, you can calculate where there are high concentrations of velocity or pressure relative to other parts of the flow field. A common application for this type of research is studying how wind affects objects such as airplanes.

-A flow field is defined by u=((x,y))m/s and v=xy)m/s. You can calculate where there are high concentrations of velocity or pressure relative to other parts of the flow field using this equation. This means that looking at mathematical equations, you can figure out how wind affects objects like airplanes.

-A common application for studying how wind affects objects such as airplanes is through studying a flow field with high concentration velocities or pressures in certain areas vs others. What makes Flow Fields so special? Flow fields have been used throughout fluid dynamics research for years because they provide an easy way to analyze changes due to the space around them over time which doesn’t require expensive


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