Quick and Easy Fix For Your ITERATIVE DRAWING


In his article, Tony Cheng shares with readers the best way to fix their iterative drawings by outlining a quick and easy technique that helps you capture your ideas on paper in little time with indirect observation definition.

The author explains that while there is much debate on the subject, he believes it’s worth experimenting with it since “it has quite a few unique advantages.” One of those advantages is that “each of your hands can be used for different things,” which saves you time and effectively reduces mistakes. This step-by-step process also has the potential to improve your design skills due to being able to work out problems by looking at them through multiple angles.

1. First, the author outlines a small but vital orientation guide for you to refer to. For example, the guides he uses are for drawing a line and a circle, whereby he drawing both in the same direction or varying his approach. He then draws the line with his left hand and the circle with his right hand in order to find which of them is easier for him to do.

2. Next, we’re taught how to smoothly and accurately draw circles by reducing their complexities into smaller parts. This technique can be used on almost anything you’re looking for—lines and circles included.

3. The author then demonstrates how he went about capturing an idea at hand using a demonstration that has similarities with “conjuring. “

4. The author shows us how he went about getting a perspective on a problem by creating two ‘mirrors’ and then having two people look at the problem from different angles. To replicate that in real-life, you could use a camera, or simply use your phone as your mirror to capture one angle, and then recreate that angle with your own hands so that you can see it from another perspective.

5. The article concludes by briefly introducing what Tony Cheng thinks of iterative drawings, and how they can be potentially beneficial for creative people who are trying to communicate their thoughts to the outside world.

6. And that’s it! A simple, yet effective method to easy and quick iterative drawing.

7. It’s really no wonder people are using this technique, it’s that effective.

So if you’re someone who is worried about making mistakes and having the problems with exercising your hands, try it out! It’ll definitely make your drawings easier to do, and that can only mean a lot for you!

8. Use this process for all forms of drawing: line drawings, circles, circles arcs and other shapes…I know you want to get better at drawing lines now! 

9. I will be buying this book! Thanks for sharing this article, Tony.

10. I’ve been doing that for ages. And it works great!

11. I’ve been thinking about doing the same thing… But with writing by hand and typing two versions of the same idea on the computer, so that I can easily compare them and find mistakes in my writing.

12. This method is similar to the ‘think aloud’ technique where you can talk about your thoughts as you go along working on something like a project or a homework assignment, just as long as you clarify as you go along what your process is or what your thought or theory is.

13. I’ve been doing the very same thing for years…

14. I found myself unconsciously following this principle, though not intentionally. As a programmer , I’m trained to do some design work at my desk in my office when working on a new feature or fixing a bug. When faced with a difficult problem that needs thinking about, I’ll pull out paper and pencil, and sketch out the problem at hand (usually in the form of state diagrams). As I go along, I’ll explain to myself what the drawings mean, how they fit together, make mistakes and see where they take me . It’s an invaluable way of working through real problems.

15. I find it very easy to ‘think aloud’ and see the problem as I go along if I’m not in front of a computer screen, or attempting to draw a line perfectly.

16. Right – I’ve seen examples of this used to describe how people understand their own thought processes and languages, but never before in regards to designing! It makes perfect sense why such a thing would work, though – one should be able to make sense of the idea with one’s hands before translating that into more permanent mediums .

17. Man, this is great! Not only it improves your drawing skills , but also your problem-solving skills , too!

18. This method is similar to what I used to do before when I was working on something in the past, except that I couldn’t afford a camera.

19. What I like most about this is you can use this technique for anything thinking-related—whether it’s designing, problem-solving, or whatever else you may be doing!

20. I never thought about this kind of technique a lot. It makes total sense and seems pretty fun too, especially since you get to draw circles .


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