The Future of Autonomous and Connected Vehicles


Autonomous and connected vehicles are changing the way we think about transportation. The future of autonomous and connected vehicles is going to be a huge part of our lives in the coming years. The question now becomes, how can you become a leader in this industry? The answer is easy by reading this blog post! Actknw lists some trends and predictions that we believe could be the future of autonomous and connected vehicles.

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The Growing Market

Auto companies are planning to invest over $90 billion in developing electric cars. The number of potential buyers for this type of car is expected to rise by 54% between now and 2020. China plans on selling one million electric vehicles per year beginning 2018 – 2019. This would be a huge market share coming from just one country (more than double that of the US).

There are predictions that by 2025, 30% of all vehicles will be electric.

The increase in autonomous and connected vehicles is expected to lead to an enormous number of job losses for drivers (e.g., bus drivers). The market share for ride sharing services like Uber or Lyft are estimated to rise exponentially thanks to the convenience factor these types of cars offer.

Self-driving cars

There will likely be a massive shift towards more sustainable forms of transportation with self-driving cars becoming much more popular than they currently are today. Vehicle ownership won’t necessarily decline because people still prefer owning their own car if it’s affordable enough; however, driverless technology could make this type of car much more affordable to the average consumer. The question now becomes, “What are some of the factors that will influence this movement?” The answer is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

There needs to be a greater emphasis on electric cars in order for these types of vehicles to become more popular among consumers (e.g., companies need better charging stations).

Biggest concern

The biggest concern with autonomous and connected cars is safety. If  people don’t feel safe riding or driving around in an automated vehicle, they’re simply going to stick with traditional forms of transportation. Until developers can prove that driverless technology has reached a point where there aren’t any risks involved when using such features.

What impact do you think driverless technology will have on the environment?

The environmental benefits are very real, but it’s important to note that electric cars still carry a carbon footprint. The long term effects of this type of transportation need to be considered. In order for these types of vehicles to become more popular among consumers or policy makers who may want stricter emission standards implemented across all vehicle classes .

As autonomous and connected vehicles become more popular, government regulations must keep up with new technologies being developed by automakers.

Biggest obstacle

The biggest obstacle facing self-driving cars is people’s fear over safety issues (i.e., public opinion). The accident rate needs to decrease before anyone can feel comfortable riding around in an automated car without feeling nervous about what could happen next. People are going to need a lot of convincing in order to feel safe with self-driving technology. And it’s going to take some time before this type of sentiment changes. The safety features that go into driverless cars are not only limited to the vehicle itself. But also include other forms of transportation such as motorcycles or pedestrians on bicycles .

Number of vehicle models

In 2018, the number of vehicle models that have autonomous or semi-autonomous driving capabilities will increase from 15 to 40. In 2020 this could be as high as 200 different models which is expected to give way for a surge in demand for services related to self-driving cars, such as driverless taxis. It’s not just car manufacturers who are starting up their own research labs. Companies like Apple also want a slice of the pie by developing their very own computers designed specifically for fully automated vehicles. The race towards full automation seems inevitable but it does come with its own set hurdles. One example being legislation having yet to catch up with the technology. The future is certainly looking a little brighter for those who enjoy driving. But what will life be like if we can simply jump in our car and tell it where to go?

The way people view autonomous vehicles is changing.

The number of riders that are using ride-sharing services such as Uber and even the percentage of households who own automobiles have been on a steady decline since 2013 . Yet at the same time, it’s not unusual to see cars with built in dashboards offering GPS navigation or Bluetooth connectivity options for hands free communication while driving. The idea behind autonomous vehicles isn’t new. But thanks to improved technology these self-driving nightmares may become our very own robot chauffeurs within just ten years!

And finally…

People have different ideas about what they think will happen once driverless technology becomes more popular; however, there seems to be one pretty obvious common theme among everyone’s predictions: auto insurance premiums are going to drop. The question is how low will they go? Some industry experts believe that rates could be cut in half once a certain critical mass of self-driving cars are being used on the road. But even if this doesn’t happen it’s safe to say there won’t be any dramatic increases when comparing premiums from now until then.


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