The Potion that Does not contain Valerian Sprigs: Harry Potter

harry potter

Many people are familiar with the famous Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling. The author describes many different types of potions used in the Wizarding World, but there is one potion that does not contain valerian sprigs. That potion is called “Felix Felicis” or “Liquid Luck” and was invented by Slughorn, a professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

There is one problem for most people when making the potion. Most people have never heard of valerian sprigs, so they don’t know where to get them or how to get them. Valerian sprigs are a type of flower most people would not think to use for their magical cooking. 

The first place most people would look is at their local drugstore, but they will not find it there because it is an herb. The second place they may look is at a greenhouse because that is where many herbs are grown, but again they will not find it there because valerian sprigs only grow wild in the mountains and hills of Europe, China and Korea.

What potion does not contain valerian sprigs

“Felix Felicis” is a potion that does not contain valerian sprigs. Slughorn developed the potion for Harry Potter and if he did not have to carry valerian sprigs around Hogwarts he would make it himself to use on the famous Triwizard Tournament.

“Felix Felicis’ ‘ is one of the most famous potions in all of the Harry Potter series because there is no other option like it. It has been so popular that many people have written books about it. Some even wrote their own books about “Felix Felicis”, which are very popular and provide people with more information about this unique potion.

What is the recipe for “Felix Felicis”?

The recipe for “Felix Felicis” or what the ingredients are is a bit hard to understand, but basically it is just a special type of powder. The actual ingredients in the book do not matter because they do not have to be measured exactly because they only have to be combined in a certain way. 

The author was making up more of this as she went along and she did not want Harry to have every ingredient in every potion, so she created different ways to make potions that didn’t contain a certain ingredient she wrote about. Many people have actually tried to make “Felix Felicis”, but most people don’t know how to make the potion because there is no recipe for it. The best way to make it is to get a jar of sugar and a jar of powdered milk, then you mix the two together and dissolve that in water. Once it is dissolved you can add some drops of your favorite Disney Princess perfume and stir again until the mixture begins to foam up. Just remember that when you pour the potion into your vial, be careful because if you spill any this potion will turn whatever surface it lands on into silver dust.

1. A jar of sugar : One jar of sugar, one jar of milk:

According to the book “Felix Felicis” has to be a jar of sugar and a jar of powdered milk . The author created this recipe because she did not want Harry having every ingredient in every potion. Slughorn also made sure that the ingredients did not have to be measured exactly because measurement was difficult for her at the time. Slughorn also made sure to make it up as she wrote it down since she did not want Harry to have every ingredient in every potion.

2. Dissolve the sugar into the milk: 

 To make the potion you dissolve the sugar into the milk. You do this by pouring both ingredients into a large bowl or your cauldron and then stirring it with a spoon until it is dissolved. If you want to make sure that it is dissolved then add some drops of a perfume like “Every Princess” and stir again until the mixture begins to foam up. This can take several minutes so be patient.

3. Add perfume :

After you have added enough perfume, pour the mixture into your vial slowly and carefully because if you spill any of this potion it will turn whatever surface it lands on into silver dust . You do not have to add the perfume, though. You can use your favorite perfume, but if you don’t have one or don’t want to use it, then you should skip the step.

4. Stir for several minutes :

“Felix Felicis” is a potion that does not contain valerian sprigs, so there are no valerian sprigs in this potion. Valerian sprigs are a type of flower and all Harry has to do is follow these four steps then he will be able to make Slughorn’s wonderful potion called “Felix Felicis”.


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