7 Reasons Why People Like Healthy Food


One of my top priorities as a person is to eat healthy. However, sometimes I find it hard to make all the right decisions when trying to choose what meal is the healthiest. I decided to look deeper into why people like healthy food. What I found was a reason for healthy food that was different from what I originally thought. Various gym trainers such as baileys gym trainers can also advise the same.

A recent study published in the Journal of Food Science, a British journal, showed that there are seven main reasons for people’s preference for healthy foods over less nutritious options: mental health and well-being, social interconnection and identity formation, positive emotions associated to meals by cooking and sharing food with others, socio-cultural factors such as popular dietary lifestyles and religious traditions, ecological considerations related to environmental impact of the food on personal care products and biodiversity/conservation. That is just seven reasons! There would be no one left without proper nutrition if they were aware of this information.

The study also showed that people are more likely to choose a healthy food over an unhealthy choice if it satisfies one of the following. Few reasons are:

1. Aesthetic and visual appeal

The result of this is that people may be willing to pay more for foods with better looks or taste that they perceive to be healthier. This is because they are more likely to be more comfortable eating these more aesthetically appealing foods. The study showed that people who eat healthy foods are more likely to have friends and family who also eat a healthy diet. When we associate ourselves with other people who are doing the same thing as us, it can help us to remain active in it.

2. Nutritional content

Nutrients and minerals in foods may lead to a higher rating of the food’s healthfulness. With the help of food science industry, people become knowledgeable and have a better understanding when it comes to food and nutrition.The study shows that people who eat healthy foods are more likely to have friends and family who also eat a healthy diet. When we associate ourselves with other people who are doing the same thing as us, it can help us to remain active in it. 

3. Food’s smell

Similar to food’s mouthfeel, people favor foods that smell like something they would typically eat. The study shows that people who eat healthy foods are more likely to have friends and family who also eat a healthy diet. When we associate ourselves with other people who are doing the same thing as us, it can help us to remain active in it.

4. Food’s sensory appeal

People tend to buy and eat food that is appealing to all the senses at once. This may seem impossible, but it is a very great reason. People are willing to pay more for better tasting healthy food that is also healthy for them. This includes vegetables, especially if they taste well. For example, people may eat healthy foods because of the taste. Healthy foods tend to have a ‘better-for-you’ taste and are often nutritionally better for you too.

5. Health claims made by producers

People will pay more for healthy-looking products with a good reputation, even if the product doesn’t look appealing or taste as good as others do. Higher intakes of vitamins, minerals and fiber may lead to a higher rating of the food’s healthfulness.  It could be the case that one needs to believe in the health benefits of a food in order to feel comfortable eating it. This is like when someone goes out and buys organic or vegetarian food, they may be doing so with the goal of being healthier than before.

6. Food preparation tradition

People favor foods they associate with a particular cultural background because of how it was prepared or served. It makes them feel more comfortable when eating it. A shorter ingredient list is more appealing to people than a long one, even if the longer ingredient list contains all healthy ingredients including fresh vegetables and lean meats.

7. Food’s cultural and social context

The result of this is that people pay more for food they associate with their culture because it is a valuable part of their identity. The study shows that people who eat healthy foods are more likely to have friends and family who also eat a healthy diet. When we associate ourselves with other people who are doing the same thing as us, it can help us to remain active in it.


As you can see, there are quite a few reasons why people prefer healthy food to less nutritious options. As long as you continue your search for “healthy” products in the market, you can always find something healthy to eat.

A healthy lifestyle is one that you can do every day. It doesn’t have to be difficult if you are willing to try. Eat a balanced meal, exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep every night. Don’t over eat junk food.


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