Assessment- What does the term ‘traffic’ mean when used in conjunction with the internet?


Traffic is the total number of bytes of data which are transferred over a network for a given time period.

If you’re on the internet, you’re generating traffic.

We’ll discuss how to track your traffic, measure it, and use that information to improve the performance of your website or app. 

The answer is discussed here to what does the term, traffic, refer to when used in conjunction with the internet?

There are many factors which can cause on-page or on-site traffic issues including popularity of the content, page load times, and more. We’ll examine some common problems and show how they can be fixed.

Assessment- What does the term ‘traffic’ mean when used in Conjunction with internet?

Traffic is the total number of bytes of data which are transferred over a network for a given time period.

If you’re on the internet, you’re generating traffic.

We’ll discuss how to track your traffic, measure it, and use that information to improve the performance of your website or app. 

There are many factors which can cause on-page or on-site traffic issues including popularity of the content, page load times, and more. We’ll examine some common problems and show how they can be fixed.

Here are some points discussed about What does the term ‘traffic’ mean when used in conjunction with internet-

1. What does traffic mean?

Traffic is the total number of bytes of data which are transferred over a network for a given time period.

This includes all web traffic, including images, videos and web pages downloaded and shared by end users.

2. Traffic as a performance metric.

The two most common metrics we use to evaluate website performance are pageviews and sessions.

Pageviews : Counts the number of times someone visits your website, whether from one page, or from multiple pages across your website.

Sessions : Is an individual “user session”. Each time someone visits your website, they are considered to have a new session.

3. Why measure traffic?

Identify problematic areas. One of the most common reasons for poor web performance is excess page load times (also known as load time, or request time), which can be caused by slow database query times on web servers, or excessive database queries on-site by the user.

Measure unique visitors. You can track the number of unique visitors to see how effective a marketing campaign or ad campaign has been.

Measure ad effectiveness – Your ads are more effective when they reach the right people rather than getting picked up by unduly large numbers of people that aren’t exactly looking for what you’re offering, thereby hurting your potential sales.

4. Why track your traffic?

Track your monthly or annual growth rate. You can use these measurements to show the company’s performance, and how it has far surpassed initial expectations.

Identify problem areas. In order to fix a problem, you first have to identify it. It is important to measure yourself and find out what aspects of your site are causing slow page load times, so that you can spend time working on those areas first.

See where visitors land on your site. You can measure where visitors land on your site using the web analytics package you are working with, but the faster they get there, the more likely they will become a convert and make a purchase.

Identify problem areas. In order to fix a problem, you first have to identify it. It is important to measure yourself and find out what aspects of your site are causing slow page load times, so that you can spend time working on those areas first.

See where visitors land on your site. You can measure where visitors land on your site using the web analytics package you are working with, but the faster they get there, the more likely they will become a convert and make a purchase.

5. How can I track my traffic?

You can use several tools to track your traffic – some free and some fairly expensive, depending on how much information you want to collect about how people find and use your site.

Google Analytics – Google Analytics is a free solution for tracking your website’s traffic. You can set up goals, which are similar to conversion rate goals, to track your successes.

The advantages of using Google Analytics include:

It is an easy way to visually show the performance of your site.

It has a wide range of analysis tools (if you choose the paid-for package), which you can use to make decisions about what part of your site is working best and how you should improve it in the future.

You’re free to use Google Analytics on any number of domains and also collect traffic data from websites or applications that you manage.


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