How To Get People To Like Small Businesses


People are looking for meaningful reasons to favor small businesses over franchises, and the internet has given them just that. Bookkeeping for small business hidden secrets medium matt oliver. Because people can now easily see what’s going on behind the curtain of a business, they care more about where their money is going and want to know that they’re giving it to an ethical company with a good story to tell.

How To Get People To Like Small Businesses :

1. Have a mission.

It’s always important to have a clear and focused goal for your business. Every small business serves a useful purpose, but only if it is doing so in the most effective way possible. What are you trying to achieve? What problem are you solving? Do your customers have complaints? This can be the ultimate key to gaining their trust and support.

2. Tell them stories about yourself.

When customers ask about the story behind your business and tell a story of their own, they begin to relate with you on an emotional level, which can make all the difference in buying decisions. Don’t be afraid to share your personal story if it’s something that connects with your customers.

3. Tell them about the values you run your business by.

When customers know how you run your business, they instantly become interested in your character and motivations, which creates a strong emotional connection. This type of connection is important because it is essentially the foundation for building trust and a long-term relationship with your clients.

4. Make it easy to buy from you.

People are busy, but they still want to be able to easily and confidently buy from you. Make it easy for them by making your products and services easy to understand, where they can get answers quickly and easily, such as a website that’s responsive and has a checkout process that doesn’t require much thought. It also helps if your business is listed in the right categories on the internet, so customers know where to look when they’re deciding whether they want to buy from you.

5. Show them how you’re doing good in the world.

People want to support businesses that make a positive difference in the world. Show them how you’re doing good in the world by giving to organizations that are similar to you, buying local products and hiring local people. Showing them those things is a great way of providing evidence that you care about other people as well as about your own business.

6. Have an online presence.

A business website is an important part of creating an online identity for your business, and it also gives customers access to more information about you and your products or services if they choose to look for it. If you have a brick and mortar business, a well-designed physical storefront that people can visit is also important. All of these things let customers know that they can trust you and your business.

7. Be transparent.

People want to see what’s going on behind the curtain of your business and this is especially true when you’re smaller or are trying to start a new venture. Because of the internet, it’s now easy for them to do so, so try making your finances public and give customers access to information about what you’re doing with their money. This gives them some peace of mind and helps them feel confident in their buying decisions when they understand where their money goes every month.

8. Offer a great customer service experience.

Customer service is key, and if customers don’t trust you, they won’t buy from you or recommend you to their friends. A good customer service experience also makes people want to buy from your business again in the future and will make them want to share their experiences with others, which will help you build awareness about your business and any problems that might arise. Learn how to give great customer service by reading this article on how to create an excellent customer service experience for your small business.

9. Treat customers like family members.

Caring about your customers and wanting to help them out is at the core of what every small business owner does, but you need to make sure that it comes across in your interactions with them. 

One way to do this is by using language that specifically shows you care about them and want to help them out. A simple example of this would be saying “I’m so excited for you!” instead of “I’m happy for you!” Research has found that people react better to positive statements when they can feel your emotions.

10. Use social media to build trust and awareness.

Social media is a great place to build trust and awareness about your business. It’s also a place where customers can interact with you, so make sure that you’re providing good information and responding to people appropriately. You should also post content that will get customers interested in what you have to offer and make them excited about interacting with you. For more information, read this article on social media for small businesses.


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