Ten Ways Women’s Health Can Improve Your Business


Women’s health has a significant impact on the business world. After all, women make up half of the global population and an even greater percentage of the workforce in developed countries. Unfortunately, various aspects of women’s health can pose a challenge for female employees and entrepreneurs; we see these challenges come up again and again at omni health shake reviews .

Here are 10 ways that women’s health impacts your business:

1. Women work harder.

​This one seems self-evident, doesn’t it? But despite women working as hard as men, they still find themselves juggling more demanding responsibilities at work and at home. More often than not, women still have higher expectations of themselves – which inevitably results in them stepping up to larger responsibilities and greater challenges.

2. Women take longer to reach peak performance.

In many ways, women strive harder than men when it comes to reaching peak performance—but our research shows that they’re not always able to sustain that level of effort over the long haul (or even over the short haul!). It takes women longer to recover from a demanding day, or to pull themselves out of the occasional funk.

3. Women are more likely to take sick days because of illness—and that’s bad for business.

​One study found that the average woman has eight absences each year that are related to illness or injury; the average man has only two. We can speculate as to why these numbers differ, but they’re indisputable: women tend to take more sick days than men do. If a woman is out for an extended period because of illness, it can have a significant impact on her work and family responsibilities—and thus, on her business.

4. Women are more likely to cause an accident at work.

​Women may take more sick days because they’re more likely to be injured at work; simply put, women are more prone to accidents in the workplace. It could be because women take longer to reach their peak performance levels—but it could also be that women have a lower tolerance for repetitive tasks than men do.​

5. Women are more likely to be injured in a car accident than men are.

​Another study found that women are three times more likely to be injured in a car accident than men are, and that injuries sustained by women tend to be more serious. Women are also more prone to moving vehicles on the road, which is a big concern for the auto insurance industry—and their clients.

6. Women’s health can have an impact on your bottom line by increasing absenteeism.

​If you spend money hiring daycare services, or if you work long hours (and especially if you don’t use paid family leave), you may need to invest in some additional employee benefits, like child care and paid parental leave.

7. Women are more likely to file a workers’ compensation claim.

Women are also more likely than men to file a workers’ compensation claim, and are at a greater risk of infection while they’re receiving medical treatment. The worker’s comp industry is starting to take note of these trends, and they may have an impact on your business insurance costs.

8. Women have higher long-term health care costs than men do.

​Women live longer than men, on average; so it stands to reason that their long-term health care costs will be higher, too. Even if you don’t have an employee benefits program, you could be held liable for the health care costs of your employees’ spouses.

9. Women have more complaints about health insurance companies and claims procedures than men do.

Women may have higher long-term health care costs and greater difficulty getting the coverage they need—but even women with private or corporate insurance aren’t always satisfied with their plans. They’re more likely to disagree with their insurers about claim procedures, or find fault with their insurers’ customer service departments.

10. Women are more likely to be involved in a lawsuit than men are.

Women may file more workers’ compensation claims and have more grievances with their insurers; they may also be more likely to sue a former employer or any number of other entities. There’s no easy way to quantify this, but if you have female employees or contractors, they will probably be more likely to file legal action against you than the average man would. 

The best way to protect yourself from these legal actions is by maintaining a clear and flexible handbook, promoting an open environment where employees can voice their concerns about the workplace, and by creating an atmosphere of transparency and trust in your business relationships.


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