9 Factors That Affect The War’s Longevity


Some historians have argued that there are a total of nine factors that affect the war’s longevity. These factors include the quality and quantity of leadership, strategic and tactical planning, leadership among soldiers, size of the battle force at any given time during the war, availability of guns and supplies for both armies, number of people killed in combat (a factor known as “morale”), exhaustion on both sides from decades upon decades without respite from fighting, level of motivation to continue fighting due to causes like slavery or nationalism (known as “cause”), and lastly a variety of environmental concerns like terrain.

Who is the god of war : The “god of war” is the name given to leaders who are capable of uniting a country, whether it be by popularity or coercion, and give that country an edge in war. In ancient Egypt, Horus began as a god of war and went on to become the chief god. In Mesopotamian and Egyptian mythology, Marduk (a Babylonian deity) rose to prominence after waging war against Tiamat (the goddess of water). In the Sumerian pantheon, Enlil was one among the ‘gods’ who fought.

9 Factors That Affect The War’s Longevity :

1. How effective was the North in fighting the war?

The North’s leadership and tactics are often credited with their victory over the South. Ulysses S. Grant’s strategy was to focus on one front at a time to keep Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia pinned down, while William Tecumseh Sherman led his troops (led by Union soldiers) through Georgia in order to break up Lee’s supply lines. Meanwhile, George Meade led his forces against General Lee in the Battle of Gettysburg.

2. What was the Southern leadership and tactics?

The South’s military leadership is often credited with stalling the North’s military plans. In particular, it was Robert E. Lee who brought the South to a point of near collapse, not only refusing to follow orders from General Joseph Johnston in case of an attack on Washington but also stubbornly defending every last piece of territory he could capture. In spite of his unpopularity among his troops, Lee also fought bitterly against interference from Confederate President Jefferson Davis, who was criticized by many Southerners for being too focused on peace talks with the North. 

3. Was there a “cause” for the war?

The South’s cause was often brought up by those who thought that slavery was being destroyed at the hands of Union soldiers. The Confederates also believed that their cause was nobler than that of the North, and were not convinced by Lincoln’s doctrine of “government by consent” as they saw this scorning the slave system, although this discussion is often relagated to be about states rights rather than slavery.

4. What were the strengths of the war-fighting forces in 1860?

The North was still a relatively young country, having just been formed under the Constitution in 1787. Its population was also expanding rapidly, and the South had twice as many people. The North was better equipped with more guns and better trained soldiers, while the South’s army relied on older weapons and less developed tactics. In addition, the South’s economy used slave labor to produce goods for export from overseas.

5. How many men were killed in combat between 1860 and 1865?

The total number of men killed in the American Civil War varied at different times. This is because there were two main types of deaths that occurred. The first was due to direct fighting between armies. The second was from disease, which was caused by lack of clean water in the Southern states during the war. Between 1860 and 1865, 12,000 soldiers were killed in direct combat; 10,000 by warfare related illness; 46,000 from disease (including those who died after receiving medical treatment); and 664,000 who died as a result of poor living conditions during their imprisonment (92 per cent of which were Confederate prisoners).

6. How many people died due to war-related illnesses?

There were an estimated 400,000 deaths due to diseases during the war. Most of these deaths were caused by lack of proper medical facilities and supplies in the South – many soldiers died from gangrene after receiving medical treatment for the wounds which they suffered on the battlefield. Civilians were also at risk, as a result of their close proximity to infected soldiers and their contaminated clothes. 

7. What was the cost to the United States for the war?

The total cost of the American Civil War is widely disputed and hard to measure, but estimates range from $23,000 billion to $200,000 billion (in 2015 dollars). The war cost a far greater human toll than did World War II. Estimates for the dead range from 620,000 to 750,000. This was roughly equivalent to 3% of the US population and two-thirds of one percent of world population at the time. More than 60 years after slavery had been abolished in 1865, there were still approximately 8 million slaves in America.

8. What was the effect on slavery?

After the war, in spite of a lack of any attempt to abolish it, slavery was outlawed in all States which had seceded from the Union and not returned to it by 1865. Slavery in the South came to an end on 1 January 1866, while Southern states instituted laws that allowed blacks to vote after this date. The 13th Amendment ratified in 1865 banned slavery throughout the United States; however, this did not include territories acquired from Mexico or lands owned by former Confederates and Native American tribes where slavery was widespread until 1868 when Congress also passed legislation granting US citizenship.

9. Who was the war fought between?

The Civil War was fought primarily between the Union (the Federal government of the United States) and the Confederate states. The Union had many supporters among Northern abolitionists who were worried by Lincoln’s moderate stance on slavery before he became president, while Confederates sometimes referred to their freedoms as “states’ rights” (for example, to own slaves). After secession, some Confederates also stated that they were fighting for their liberty .


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