Class 8 is like a huge pressure along with enjoyment involved. Many students get driven away by the enjoyment and forget about studies, and when the time comes about studies students tend to fall under extreme pressure. And at this point, Students are not able to think properly and end up performing badly in their exams. There must be a balance between enjoyment and their studies, this way students can achieve good results.

Here are a few tips on how Students can top class 8:

1. Maintain your attendance:

Students might be wondering as to why one needs to maintain the attendance when they can study at home also. Attendance is the most crucial point and hence many students take it as a joke. Now, why attendance? Just the way how studies are important, attendance is also important. Before the self-study, students need guidance and without guidance, many students find it difficult to move forward. For example, if the teacher has started with a new topic and that one student was not present he or she will miss out on the class and the explanation. Yes, he or she can study by themselves but won’t understand the basics and this is what we call ‘rote learning’. Apart from that teachers not only teach the topic but they teach in such a way that students are fully able to understand. And hence, attendance is very important 

2 . Pay Attention: Effective study begins in the classroom.

Here’s a conundrum for you: Did you realise that you’ve already begun studying before you even begin? Huh? This is what we mean. You begin the process of learning and studying when you pay attention in class and take good notes. Do you struggle to pay attention in class? Are you sitting next to someone who is extremely loud? Is it difficult to see the board? Make sure you’re sitting in a good seat that allows you to concentrate. Inform your teacher or parents of any issues that are interfering with your ability to pay attention and take appropriate notes.

3. Taking Good Notes = Easier Studying

Don’t know how to take notes? Begin by taking notes on facts that your teacher mentions or writes on the board during class. Make an effort to utilise legible handwriting so that you can read your notes later. It’s also a good idea to organise your notes, quizzes, and papers by subject. Apart from that students should also pay attention CBSE Sample Question Paper for class 8 which will help the students to enhance their writing skills and as well as writing speed.

4. Plan ahead of time and you’ll be glad you did.

Waiting until Thursday night to study for Friday’s test will result in a stressful homework night! It also makes doing your best difficult. We all have a habit of procrastinating from time to time. One of the greatest ways to avoid this is to plan ahead of time. Request a cool calendar (something you’ll want to have near your work or study space) and write down your test and assignment due dates. You can then arrange how much you want to complete after school each day, as well as how much time you want to devote to each topic. Is it difficult to find time to study because of lessons or extracurricular activities? Inquire with your mother or father about creating a schedule of what to do when.

5. Split It Up!

When there is a lot to learn, breaking it down into chunks might be beneficial. Assume you have a spelling test with 20 words. Instead of thinking about all of the words all at once, divide them into five-word chunks and work on one or two separate chunks each night. Don’t be concerned if you can’t recall something on the first try. This is where practice comes into play. The more days you spend reviewing something, the more probable it is that it will stick with you. There are also mnemonic (say: new-MON-ik) gadgets that can help you remember things. Make up a phrase that incorporates the first letter of each item on your list to help you remember it. For example, are you attempting to memorise the names of the eight planets and their relative positions in relation to the sun? Remember Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune by thinking: My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos. Your teacher might also provide you with ideas. Another method to split it up is to study on a regular basis rather than just the night before. You can always go over your notes and the chapters you’re working on. Do some practise problems if you’re studying maths or science.

How much should you study each night? Your teacher can assist you in figuring things out. Most people’s brains can only focus for roughly 45 minutes. So, if you’ve been working for a while and are having difficulty paying attention, take a break for some water or a walk around the house. Just resist the urge to watch TV or take a break from work!

6. Get Rid of the Confusion — Seek Assistance

If you don’t comprehend the material, you won’t be able to study properly. If you’re unsure about something, don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for clarification. You can double-check yourself by going over your notes. Is this all making sense? If not, request that your teacher goes over it with you. If you are at home when the misunderstanding happens, your mother or father may be able to assist you.

7. Sleep Tight!

So, the exam is tomorrow, and you’ve followed your study schedule – but now you can’t remember anything, not even 2+2! Don’t freak out. Your brain requires time to process all of the information you’ve provided it. If you try to get a decent night’s sleep, you’ll be astonished at what comes back to you in the morning.


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