The world of employment is changing fast. There are some thoughts that you should keep in mind if you want to be successful in a new and changing world with cornerstone business solution. These thoughts may seem simple; however, they can make all the difference when it comes to your career.

1. Current technology has made it easier for employers to hire a candidate that is very qualified. As long as the person has the skills that are required, a lot of times all they need is an updated resume and a strong LinkedIn profile.

Furthermore, employers are able to look at all online information regarding the person in question. This includes all of their social media accounts as well as their past work history.

2. Start building your contacts fast! This can mean more than just buying Twitter followers and liking Facebook posts from people in your industry. There are many ways that you can reach out to people in an effort to get them to follow you on social media and/or connect with you on LinkedIn.

It can be an old school way, like calling up that person that you had a class with during college. It can also be via email or even by sending off a tweet. The point here is to be proactive and reach out to people as much as possible.

Why? You want them to know who you are, especially if they are already friends with someone you know (aka: a mutual contact). If a company is looking for candidates for a position, it makes sense for them to ask someone who may have connections in the field about their opinion on who might be the best fit for the role at hand.

This means reaching out and getting your name out there!

3. A lot of the skills that are required in the work world now a days are not necessarily ‘in’ back in the day. For example, many jobs require social media knowledge.  Even if you don’t plan on working in a field where this is required, it is important to have some basic title and brand website knowledge (or at least being able to figure it out).

4. Make sure you learn about your industry and engage with others on LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, Twitter etc. Learn what is going on with employers and stay up to date about current trends. As for yourself? Make sure your presence is consistent!

5. If you are thinking about finding a new job, know that the unemployment rate is lower than it has been in quite some time. (For example, April 2015 showed a rate of 5.4% which is the lowest since June 2008.)

Some people have had trouble in their search for a job and have considered taking jobs that were not as great as they would have liked. Now is the time to start looking around and seeing what opportunities you do have.

The Good News:   Remember that there are plenty of opportunities out there. Keep in mind job openings are up to 5% higher compared to last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  

6. Be realistic about your skills and your salary requirements.   When it comes to the job that you are applying for, make sure the skills you have are high level. 

If the job entails branding, keep in mind that there are more than a few other people who have this talent as well. It is important to start building up your portfolio and getting involved in projects that showcase your talents.  

7. We all know someone who has worked hard towards their degree and has had a tough time finding a job right out of college or graduate school. This can be very frustrating; however, it can also be encouraging. Many people believe that it is a good idea to accept a position without thinking about the long term value of the job you are accepting.  This may be something worth thinking about.

When you are looking for that job after college, it is important to keep your eye on the prize and think about where you want to be in the future.

This is something that will benefit you, especially if you find yourself in a position where you aren’t happy at where you are now.

While it can be tempting when all else has failed, try not to take the first job offer that comes along. Think hard and make sure this is what you want before signing on the dotted line!

When looking for your first job, remember it should be an active process. It is crucial for you to be actively networking to start a good relationship with your new boss, colleagues and most importantly, your new co-workers.

The World of Employment is changing fast. There are some things that you should keep in mind if you want to be successful in a new and changing world. These theses may seem simple; however, they can make all the difference when it comes to your career. 1 . Current technology has made it easier for employers to hire a candidate that is very qualified . As long as the person has the skills that are required, a lot of times all they need is an updated resume and a strong LinkedIn profile. 


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