How Many Months are There in 90 days?


Seems like a simple question, right? But when you think about it, there are actually four different ways to count the months in 90 days. So, let’s take a look at each of the methods and find out which one is best.

Do you know how much is 90 days in months?

There are 12 months in a year and 365 days in a year. Every day has 24 hours with 60 minutes to an hour each. There are 365 days per year, so there must be 62400 minutes in a year because that is how many minutes there are per hour multiplied by 60 seconds multiplied by 24 hours. 

So, 1 minute in an hour would be 1/60th of the total time needed for all the hours. This means that there would be 365/6240 = 0.000583 full days in a minute. So, when someone says that they can get 90 days done in one hour, they are actually using an estimate of what 90 days is. 

Here some points are discussed-

1. We can calculate days by using the following formula.

M = N/Kx60x24xC

where, M = Number of months, N = Number of days in 90 days, K = No. phases ( if we take a phase as a month then K=12; if we take a phase as 30 days then K=4) and C = speed.

2. Speed is time taken to do one work unit.

Thus, if speed is 1 then time taken by each phase will be C(no. of months)/K (no. of phases).

If speed is 10 then time taken by each phase will be C/10 (no. of months)/K (no. of phases)

If speed is 100 then time taken by each phase will be C/(100*K) (No. of months)/K (No. of phases).

Thus, if speed = 1000 then time taken by each phase will be C/(1000*K) (No. of months)/K (No. of phases).

If speed = 1000,000 then time taken by each phase will be C/(1000*K) (no. of months)/K (no. of phases).

3. If K = 12 then C = 365/12= 28 days

If K = 4 then C = 60*4= 240 days

If K = 30 then C = 62400/30=240 days.

Thus, if speed is 100 then time taken by each phase will be  C/(100*K) (No. of months)/K (No. of phase).

Thus, if speed is 1000 or bigger then time taken by each phase will be  C/(1000*K) (No. of months)/K (No. of phases).

Thus, if speed is 1000,000 or bigger then time taken by each phase will be  C/(1000*K) (No. of months)/K (No. of phases).

4. So when speed = 100, C/10 (no. of months)/K (no. of phases)= 0.000583.

Thus hrs=Cx24x60x60x10=2080 hrs; thus days=hr/24 x 60 x 60 x 10 =0.00236 days; thus for N days in C  moons we need hr/24×60×60×10/N days = 2080 /0.00236 or .00763 days. 

So, if we are doing a work daily and there are 90 working days in a month, then  we complete the same amount of work that could be done in one hour if it were completed each moment of an hour rather than every hour.

Thus, 0.00763 – 0.000583 =0.005180 days=0.205 days in 1hr.

This is time for doing one work unit in one hour.

So, this method does not give an exact result. We have to do some calculation to determine the time for doing one work unit in a particular period of time, remember that this method does not give exact result as it involves counting the days and also it is difficult to count the seconds to minutes and minutes to hours while keeping track of how many months are left in 90 days.

5. Second method: We can calculate months by the following formula.

M = N/Gxr x C

where G = No.of working days in a year, r = Speed (Time taken for doing one work unit) and C=Speed taken for doing one work unit.

Let say time taken for doing one work unit is 60*4 days then C=60*4.

Thus, M = N/Gxr xC=N/Gx60*4xC=N/24*C(no.of months)/K(No. of phases).

Thus, if G=12 then C=12/24=0.5; if G=1 then C=24*0.5 =8; if G=2 then C=24*0.5*2 =16; if G =30 then C = 30/24* 0.


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