The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new European Union data protection law that will go into effect in May, 2018. This law will have huge implications for businesses around the world and especially those located in Europe. It’s vital that you understand what GDPR means and how to prepare before it goes into effect on May 25th, 2018. In this article we’ll cover:

What Is the General Data Protection Regulation?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new legal framework for data protection laws in the European Union.
Who Does GDPR Apply To?
GDPR applies to all companies processing personal information of individuals residing within EU member states, including employees, customers and website users. It does not apply to governments or government entities.
What Is Personal Information Under GDPR?
Under General Data Protection Law, “personal information” means any information that can be used on its own or with other sources to identify an individual person either directly or indirectly. This includes first name and last names, email addresses, biometric identifiers like fingerprints and facial recognition software IDs as well as basic browsing activity such as IP address location tracking. It can also include information like medical and financial records as well as social media posts.
How to Prepare for General Data Protection Law
The first step towards staying compliant with General Data Protection Regulation is understanding how it will affect your organization, including what data you have collected from EU citizens and a rough estimate of the number of users impacted by GDPR compliance efforts. The next phase should be updating privacy policies that were previously in place if they do not contain all relevant details required under General Data Protection Law then they need to become compliant before May 25th 2018 or risk facing hefty fines.
GDPR defines personal data as:
Any information related to a natural person or ‘Data Subject’ that can be used on its own, or in conjunction with any other piece of information, to identify the individual. This includes their name and location; online identifiers such as IP address; physical characteristics such as facial images or fingerprints; website cookies (specifically email addresses); genetic and biometric data like DNA sequences for humans even if they do not have European citizenship. The regulation also specifies what is known as sensitive personal information. It requires more stringent protection under the General Data Protection Law. These include details about an individual’s race and ethnicity, religion, trade union membership/political affiliations, sexual orientation and health status among others including criminal records.
Why Does Business Need to Know About General Data Protections Law?
The General Data Protection Regulation applies to all organizations that are processing the personal data of individuals residing in the European Union. The regulation will apply not only to companies established within EU member states. But also those outside Europe if their business activities involve tracking or monitoring Europeans, even by offering goods and services on a non-European website. This is called “offering goods or services” which means any activity where an individual has made clear they wish to receive information about them (even if it’s free), including signing up for newsletters or promotional emails containing special offers, discounts etc.
General Data Protection Law,
As part of this new compliance requirement under General Data Protection Law, both businesses and public agencies must appoint a data protection officer. If their core activities consist of processing a large amount of personal data. This includes not only the usual suspects, such as banks and hospitals but also potentially volunteer associations, sports clubs or security companies handling sensitive information about employees or customers that they need for their work.
What does it require?
Depending on your business model it is very likely that General Data Protection Regulation will affect you in one way or another when May 25th 2018 comes around! It’s important to start thinking now how best to prepare yourself. So you can be sure your organisation is compliant with these new laws coming next year. General Data Protection Law requires businesses accountable for upholding this regulation by appointing an internal DPO who understands GDPR compliance requirements. It will help ensure all activities are carried out within the appropriate guidelines set forth by General Data Protection Law.
How Are Organizations Affected by The Laws of General Protections
General Data Protection Regulation requires businesses accountable for upholding this regulation by appointing an internal DPO who understands GDPR compliance requirements. It will help ensure all activities are carried out within the appropriate guidelines set forth by General Data Protection Law.
A lot of companies have started preparations on how they can be prepared in time but there is a real risk that some won’t be ready before May 2018 comes around! Sometimes it takes organisations longer than expected to understand the full implications of General Data Regulations and many need more preparation time or guidance from experts before their business is completely compliant with these new things.
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