Here’s What Industry Insiders Say About Hough Graduate Business Academic Calendar


A recent study conducted by a panel of working executives and business leaders, reveals that the biggest challenges that new and current graduates will face in the business world are finding their voice, networking, and keeping up with technology. Hough graduate business academic calendar is a free flow sheet, which helps you to make the best use of your time during your graduate program.

Defining Your Career Path

The study revealed that a majority of people’s first jobs were part time or casual positions. Only 9% took professional positions after graduation. Whether you are about to start grad school or are currently enrolled in an MBA program, you need to know exactly where you want to end up. Making sure you have picked up the most relevant classes and gained experience from assignments will also help narrow your career path. Leverage Class Notes Working on homework issues with classmates can increase productivity by almost 20%, especially if they are proven effective. This article seeks to answer these questions with insights from other industry insiders on what they believe are the most important skills for success in the competitive job market.

Here’s What Industry Insiders Say About Hough Graduate Business Academic Calendar :

1. Build Your Network 

Networking is an essential skill that will help you find the job you want and avoid wasting time on offers for which you are not qualified. There are many ways to be proactive in building your network, from taking advantage of career fairs, to joining professional organizations and social media sites. In fact, it was revealed that 80% of new grads were not taking advantage of volunteering opportunities. Joining a student organization can help you build your professional network and make connections that could lead to jobs.

2. Gain Experience 

Experience is a critical factor in determining your ability to perform in a job, and it can help you stand out from the competition. To get the experience you need, look for opportunities that are related to your career goals and that will allow you to develop relevant skills. Many students take internships when they join an MBA program, but if those positions do not align with your career goals, find other ways to gain experience. For example, if you are working toward a finance career, consider taking on temporary jobs at companies in the industry.

3. Use Your Voice 

Finding your voice means expressing yourself confidently and clearly. A successful professional is comfortable standing up for his or her ideas despite criticism from others. You need to be able to articulate your thoughts and take a stand when your ideas are challenged. Find opportunities to practice speaking in public so you can develop these skills. These are just three recommendations for new graduates, but there are many more that can help you achieve success in the business world. 

4. Follow Your Passion 

Following your passion can ensure that you get more satisfaction from your career. If you choose a career that is not aligned with your passions, you are more likely to feel unfulfilled and less engaged with your employer. If you do not know what your passions are, start by examining which activities you enjoy the most. You can also try taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment and explore how different fields match up with your personality type.

5. Be a Student of Your Industry 

There is always something new to learn in every industry, so try to be a student of your field as much as possible. Reading about your industry and staying abreast of current events will help you keep in the know. For example, if you are in marketing, learn about the latest trends in social media and technology to help you better market your employer’s products.

6. Don’t Wait for Opportunities 

It can be tempting to sit back and wait for opportunities to come to you, but that approach can be detrimental to your career. When you wait for opportunities, other people have more control over your success. It is important to take initiative by actively seeking job opportunities and trying new things even if they are not part of a formal program at work or school.

7. Grow as a Leader 

It is important to develop leadership skills because it will make you more marketable in the workplace. Your employer will be impressed with your leadership abilities and will see you as a valuable asset. Show your employer that you have the qualities of a leader by taking on responsibilities that involve giving feedback, delegating tasks, or leading projects. Those who are leaders are also great team players. Be sure to remember that teams work best when everyone has equal input and there is no designated leader for every decision.


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