Learn the Basics of Python Programming: Step-by-Step Guide


Python is a simple, powerful and popular language. By the end of this article you will be able to start writing your own programs in Python!

  • Learn how to use Python
  • Know how to read and write basic commands in Python
  • Learn about strings, lists, dictionaries and loops
  • Start writing your own programs in Python!

Step One: Learn the Basics of Python Programming

The first step is to learn a little bit more about programming. You should start off by knowing some vocabulary so you can better understand what people are talking about when they talk about computers. In this post Macledge will show you some words that will help you get started with learning Python:


This is a machine that lets us do many different things like run applications (like web browsers or games) and create documents on our computer. It all depends on which operating system we have installed(OS).

Operating System

The OS controls everything from files stored on the computer, to applications installed on it. The OS will usually come with a desktop environment that lets us interact with the computer in some way (like by clicking on icons and opening programs).


This is an application that we can use our computers for. It could be anything from playing games like Minecraft or fighting virtual robots in Robocraft, to making spreadsheets and creating documents in MS Office Word. These are just examples of software titles you’ll see when looking at different apps available for download online or through your operating system’s app store.

What do I need before I start learning Python?

The first thing you’re going to need is a program called PyCharm. This is a cross-platform editor that will help you write and run Python code.

Step Two: Learn the Basics of Python Programming

Now we’re going to learn some basic stuff in order to understand how things work with computers, so when we start creating our own programs it all makes sense! There are three main parts required for everything on your computer or device hardware, OS, and software(applications). Let’s take a look at each one individually.

Hardware – So what exactly does this mean?

All computers have certain pieces installed inside them like graphics cards (GPU), processors (CPU) , hard drives, memory (RAM), etc.

Learn How To Use Windows Software

This is the most complicated part of getting started with programming because there are so many different types (video games, office software suites like MS Office, design programs like Photoshop). The best way to get started learning coding is through creating our own custom Python program! Here we’ll look at some basic examples of what you can do when starting off in Python.

Create Your Own Custom Program

The first step will be downloading PyCharm from JetBrains . You’ll need an account with them which they call their ‘Community Edition’.

Next, we’ll go to the Python website and choose which version of Python is available for download. The latest stable release will be best. Now when downloading your program, make sure you’re choosing a ‘wheel’ file instead of an archive (zip or tar). This is because it’s already compiled in such a way that our operating system can understand it! 

Compiling vs Archiving Software 

Once downloaded onto your computer, open up PyCharm and create a new project with File -> New Project . Here select ‘Python’ as the type of project. Learn more about PyCharm projects here: Project vs File Learn how to work with new modules and packages by checking out this post on the subject:

Working With Modules

Learn what all of these mean (and then some) in this guide to Python Fundamentals. There are many different things you can do when coding, but it’s important that we start off from basic examples before moving onto something more complicated. Since everyone has a computer at home or even mobile devices like phones and tablets these days, let’s learn about programming using Python!

Build Your First Program 

Now create your first program by going into the main directory where you saved your project files (on Windows click on ‘Project’ menu -> Open Folder ). Once there, right-click and select the option ‘New’ -> ‘Python File’.  Learn

Benefits include readability

Being one of the easiest languages when compared to others like C++ or Java, it makes sense why so many people have found success using python as their starting point into the world of coding! In addition to being user-friendly, python is also known for its readability. With the use of white space and clear syntax rules that separate out blocks of code into easily understandable chunks, anyone can pick up a piece of python code and understand what it does at first glance.

Benefits include wide community usage 

Learning to code can be a very daunting task. Not only are there thousands of programming languages out there, but it is difficult to know where or how you should begin your journey. One language that has gained traction in recent years due to its ease and simplicity for new coders is python.

Meta description: Python is a simple, powerful and popular language. By the end of this article you will be able to start writing your own programs in Python!


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