The best way to obtain thick leather – Conan Exiles Thick Leather

Luxury black leather texture surface background

The best way to obtain thick leather is Conan Exiles Thick Leather that isn’t easy and simple. If you don’t know how to get it without having to spend hours of game time, this guide is for you.

If you’re new to Conan Exiles, this is a guide meant for you. Every game has its own content and skills that players need in order to succeed. As such, this article will help players learn how to harvest leather and create the tough-as-nails armor they need.

All these articles will tell you what skills are needed for your character in Conan Exiles as well as how to farm the resources/gear needed for them.

There are several ways to farm Conan Exiles Leather. The first requires plenty of hunting and crafting skills, while the second requires a fair amount less skill and a pinch of luck.

The first method is for players who have plenty of time to kill and the patience to craft the items needed for Thick Leather. The second is for those gamers who want an easier way to obtain it and don’t mind investing in a bit of gold or diamonds so they’re not wasting their own time. You will learn both methods in this guide.

Here are some points discussed about conan exiles thick leather

1. What is Conan Exiles?

Conan Exiles is a multiplayer online game that launches on Steam on June 1, 2019. It is a sandbox survival game based in the Hyborian Age. 

Players will create their own character and their world and face an array of enemies as they explore and survive in the dangerous lands of Cimmeria (Dawn Age), Argos (Age of Iron) and Aquilonia (Age of Bronze).

2. The Recommended settings for Conan Exiles

The recommended settings for Conan Exiles are-

CPU: Intel i7-4770K System memory: 32 GB RAM Video card: NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti or AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 Graphics driver: 295.69 Disk space: At least 6 GB of free disk space

3. The Recommended version for Conan Exiles

The recommended version for Conan Exiles is 1.0.1. This is because you will likely not run into too many issues when playing Conan Exiles. However, the above video below may help you see some bugs that other users have encountered in their game play-

4. How to get thick leather? (Skills needed)

To be able to get the best gear possible to help you survive and thrive in your game play, players will need to have certain skills maxed out throughout their game play. This includes the Thick Skinned Skill. The Thick Skinned skill helps players gain a higher resistance to all damage types when they reach level 50. However, it does not decrease the amount of damage received at all. This makes it one of the best crafting skills for all players looking to get their cosmetic items, with no regard for how long it takes them to craft these items.

The recipe for this skill is-

1 x Hide Scraps 10 x Blue Lotus 10 x Thistle Branch 1 x Chalcedony 1 x Flintstone 5 x Obsidian Shard 3x Iron 5x Blue Lotus 1x Flintstone

5. How to create Thick Leather?

To create thick leather, players will need to have the resources for it as well as the skills needed to make them. This means players will need to be able to craft the Thick Skinned Skill, which has the recipe listed above.

The recipe for thick leather is-

1 x Hide Scraps 1 x Thick Skinned Skill 1 x Fiber 20 x Blue Lotus 5 x Thistle Branch 1x Chalcedony 5 x Iron 20x Obsidian Shard 3x Flintstone 3x Waterweed Seeds 3x Blue Stone Shards 10x Flintstone 10x Redstone

6. To obtain more Conan Exiles Thick Leather? (Skills needed)

To obtain more Conan Exiles Thick Leather, players will need to have high levels of their Crafting Skill level and have crafted the Thick Skinned Skill from a higher level crafting skill.

7. Conclusion

This concludes the article How to get thick leather? (Skills needed). As always, feel free to leave your comments and thoughts below. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Conan Exiles is a multiplayer online game that launches on Steam on June 1, 2019. It is a sandbox survival game based in the Hyborian Age. Players will create their own character and their world and face an array of enemies as they explore and survive in the dangerous lands of Cimmeria (Dawn Age), Argos (Age of Iron) and Aquilonia (Age of Bronze).


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