5 Common Myths About Your Health


It can be difficult to tell what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to health. Few of us have the time or resources to do the research necessary to find out what works best for our bodies, which leaves us at the mercy of assumptions and hearsay. And even if we look to the right sources, few of them agree on what’s healthy–often, the best information available on a given subject comes from studies that contradict each other. 

Oregon health licensing is something many of us can do to make sure that the people who are treating and advising us are up to date with their knowledge and training, and it’s important that we make ourselves aware of the myths that prevent us from receiving adequate treatment. It’s enough to make you wonder what’s real and what’s not, but here are five myths that are definitely false:

Myth 1 – Coconut Oil is a Healthy Fat

Coconut oil has been in the news a lot recently, both because it’s one of the trendiest cooking oils on the market right now and because it’s been thrust into the spotlight as having a positive effect on Alzheimer’s Disease. However, there are some important things most people don’t know about coconut oil:

1. It’s Highly Processed

 Two hundred years ago, most people got their fats from naturally-occurring sources like eggs, meat and butter from cows that grazed on grass. Coconut oil is one of the few fats you can find today that hasn’t been altered significantly from its original form. Most coconut oil on the market contains small amounts of soy lecithin, a controversial emulsifier, as well as other refined substances like glycerine and vegetable oils.

2. It’s Highly Acidic

Most coconut oil has a pH rating of around 3.5 , making it far from neutral. This means that if you add it to your diet, it will take the form of an alkaline in your body–meaning that instead of helping to maintain acid balance in your body, it will actually contribute to an increased acid burden (which can lead to digestive problems and upset your immune system).

Myth 2- A Very Low-Carb Diet Is Good for You

The low-carb bandwagon has been in full swing for quite a while now, and many of the best studies conducted on the subject seem to show that cutting your carb intake can help you lose weight, improve your cholesterol levels, control blood sugar and even decrease your chances of cancer. However, there are a few things that should come as a surprise to anyone who follows the advice of The Atkins Diet That you don’t hear frequently:

1. The Long Term Effects Are Unclear

 A study conducted by the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that any weight loss from a low-carb diet is most likely water weight. The study involved more than 1000 people for six years, and researchers concluded that “It can be concluded from our study that weight loss from a very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet is not sustainable over the long term.”

2. It Can Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease 

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that “Among middle-aged adults, higher meat intake is associated with a significantly elevated hazard of mortality.” This same study found that while there was no evidence of an increased risk of heart disease from high-fat dairy, there was an increased risk from sugary desserts.

Myth 3 – You Can’t Overdo It With Healthy Foods

If you think you can’t go overboard with your fruit and vegetable intake because it’s full of fiber and natural sugars, let this be a lesson to you: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lead to possible vitamin deficiencies. Here’s why: Most fruits and vegetables tend not to contain all the nutrients you need at once. Some of them are full of vitamins, but low in minerals. 

Others have lots of minerals, but no vitamins. And because fruits and veggies don’t contain the same nutrients in the same amounts, it’s possible to run into a deficiency if you’re not careful about balancing your diet out with other foods.

Myth 4 – You Can Eat Anything After Your Workout

It’s frequently believed that any food you eat after your workout is used to build your muscles, so it doesn’t matter what you eat as long as you do some exercise and some kind of strength training. This is false, at least judging by the volume of research done on the subject. As a matter of fact, there’s actually no good reason to eat carbs after your workout other than to replenish glycogen stores. 

In most cases, you should eat as little carbohydrate as possible right after working out because it takes your body’s natural hormones a while to kick in after working out and if you’re still hungry during this window then eat something nutritious until they do.

Myth 5 – You Can Never Get Too Much Sleep

Although it’s difficult to get a good night’s sleep every single day, most people don’t realize just how vital sleep is for their health. A recent report by the National Sleep Foundation shows that you likely lose or gain a whole lot during the night, including muscle mass, bone density and even mental function.


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