The Ultimate Construction Clipart Checklist.


What is a construction clipart?

Construction clipart is an assortment of images that are used for construction sites. They are usually found in the form of a square with one or more images inside the square, perhaps containing text such as safety precautions, safety guidelines, and warnings. These types of images help create a safe and desirable atmosphere for the people who may be on site at any given time.

The US Government’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has some very specific guidelines you should make sure you abide by while on your construction site. And they govern various construction-related activities so it’s best to familiarize yourself with these regulations before beginning any work.


Construction clipart is used for a variety of purposes, such as:

Installation and repair of plumbing fixtures, electrical fixtures, and equipment. Installation and repair of appliances and furniture. Remediation of contaminated soil.  That’s right! It’s always a good idea to test soil samples before starting any hazardous or potentially hazardous construction project. The earth has a tendency to move, so there are often two or more projects on the same plot of land at the same time (e.g., one company is digging foundations for a second company’s building). 

All that movement can stir up old buried contaminants and cause them to enter your adjoining site.  The earth has a habit of moving, and it doesn’t take much for it to happen. If a lot of people are working on your site at once, the soil is going to shift every time you go back to work on the next day. It’s really important that you test your soil and make sure you don’t unwittingly put yourself in danger via the backhoe’s blade or a plumber’s blow torch. 

OSHA has very specific guidelines for testing soil:

1. Test all soil samples with a single sample of known concentrations of oil, gas, or other hazardous material that is an irritant or inorganic (including lead), biological (including biological agents) , corrosive, toxic , or radioactive materials. 

2. If you test a soil sample containing lead, record the results in the “Automatic Sampling Data” area of the form OSHA-530 (and also on OSHA Form 300), as required by 29 CFR 1904.10(g). 

3. If you test a soil sample containing a nonelectric explosive, record the results in the “Automatic Sampling Data” area of the form OSHA-530 (and also on OSHA Form 300), as required by 29 CFR 1904.10(g). 

4. Note on your form that you will submit samples to state and local authorities for analysis for detection of lead or explosives, as required by 29 CFR 1904.10(h) and (i). 

5. Retain all copies of the samples and all field notebooks at the site until analysis.

6. Follow 29 CFR 1926.55, “State Reporting of Occupational Injuries.” 

7. Follow 29 CFR 1926.553, “Reporting of Injuries and Illnesses with No Days Away from Work.” 

8. Follow 29 CFR 1926.550, “Safety-related Work Practices: Adoption of Affected State Implementation Plan Provisions.” 

9. Follow 29 CFR 1926-3001, “Recordkeeping Requirements.” 

10. Follow 29 CFR 1926.29, “Laboratory and X-ray Requirements.”

11. Follow 29 CFR 1926.56, “Other Requirements.”

12. Follow 29 CFR 1926.81, “Federal Occupational Health Programs.” 

13. Follow 29 CFR 1904, “General duties and responsibilities of employers.” 

14. Follow the procedures in 29 CFR 1910, “Agriculture labor., contractors and subcontractors” (appendix A is important). 


First, it’s important to note that in this industry one size does not fit all. It really depends on the project and what you’re using it for. A lot of workers use mobile phones because they’re easy to carry around and makes communicating with other people much easier.


One disadvantage with construction clipart is that some workers don’t like using them and would rather use their own pictures or draw things on a piece of paper. Another disadvantage is that some employers don’t feel as if construction clipart represents their company in the most professional way possible.

How to use it:

In order to properly incorporate construction clipart into your project, you must use it in a way that will fit the needs of the project. Take into consideration the size of the project and what type of information you need to include with the illustrations.

It’s important to remember that graphics are used by people with all levels of educational experience and reading skills, so try to make sure that your images are clear and easy to understand. If they’re not, you might find yourself with a host of potential problems on-site. You never know when someone might be injured due to negligence on your part.

When you’re thinking of a way to incorporate construction clipart into your project, keep in mind the following:

1. Include the name of the construction site in the square if there is one. The name will help site visitors identify where they are and what sort of work is being done on-site. Your client may even be able to request an updated version via e-mail as soon as you put it up in your office, which will make them more familiar with your company and therefore more likely to hire you again. 

2. If applicable, include safety precautions and safety guidelines . For example, “do not climb onto this ladder because it’s dangerous” or “don’t use the saws in this mobile workstation because it is too heavy for the power cord.” 

3. Include construction-related information, such as how many workers are on the site and what exactly they’re doing. Include specific dates. If you’re working with a contractor, include their name so that your client can contact them if they have any questions about what you’re doing or have run into any problems. 

4. Include any contact information (email, phone number, fax number) in case the employer has any questions or concerns about your work or wants to rehire you when you’re done. 


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